RTC fares are in effect for RTC and Service de transport adapté de la Capitale (STAC).
Save more with monthly pass
Good for unlimited travel while valid. Sold starting on the 20th day of each month.
- Monthly pass$91.95
— Valid at all times
Available with L'abonne BUS
- Metropolitain (monthly)$144.25— Valid at all times, on multiple networks
- New! Monthly Bus pass + FLEXauto$99.00— Valid at all times
Includes 1 monthly RTC pass + 10 FLEX trips of 30 minutes or less with a Communauto FLEX vehicle. Available only with the Nomade Paiement app.
- New! Bundle of 20 reduced-rate tickets$59.00— Valid at all times
- 5 consecutive days$31.50— Valid on the day it's activated and the next four days
- Unlimited weekend$16.25— Valid starting Friday at 5:30 p.m.
- 1 day-pass$9.00
- 1 fare$3.25ticket
- 1 fare$3.75cash
* Some restrictions apply. OPUS card with photo required for discount fares.18 and under* 6 to 18
OPUS card with photo required for discount fares.Save more with monthly pass
Good for unlimited travel while valid. Sold starting on the 20th day of each month.
- Monthly pass$61.30
— Valid at all times
Available with L'abonne BUS
- Unlimited evenings and weekends (monthly)$28.60
— Valid weekdays starting at 5:30 p.m.
— All day on Saturdays and Sundays
- Metropolitain (monthly)$108.25— Valid at all times, on multiple networks
- 5 consecutive days$25.50— Valid on the day it's activated and the next four days
- Unlimited weekend$16.25— Valid starting Friday at 5:30 p.m.
- 1 day-pass$9.00
- 1 fare$2.65ticket
- 1 fare$3.75cash
* Some restrictions apply. OPUS card with photo required for discount fares.Student+* 19 and over
OPUS card with photo required for discount fares.Save more with monthly pass
Good for unlimited travel while valid. Sold starting on the 20th day of each month.
- Monthly pass$61.30
— Valid at all times
Available with L'abonne BUS
- Metropolitain (monthly)$108.25— Valid at all times, on multiple networks
- Bundle of 20 reduced-rate tickets$61.00— Valid at all times
- 5 consecutive days$25.50— Valid on the day it's activated and the next four days
- Unlimited weekend$16.25— Valid starting Friday at 5:30 p.m.
- 1 day-pass$9.00
- 1 fare$3.25ticket
- 1 fare$3.75cash
* Some restrictions apply. OPUS card with photo required for discount fares.65+* 65 and over
OPUS card with photo required for discount fares.Save more with monthly pass
Good for unlimited travel while valid. Sold starting on the 20th day of each month.
- Monthly pass$61.30
— Valid at all times
Available with L'abonne BUS
- Metropolitain (monthly)$108.25— Valid at all times, on multiple networks
- 10 trips off peak$21.00— Valid weekdays, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and after 5:30 p.m. Valid Saturdays and Sundays.
- 5 consecutive days$25.50— Valid on the day it's activated and the next four days
- Unlimited weekend$16.25— Valid starting Friday at 5:30 p.m.
- 1 day-pass$9.00
- 1 fare$2.65ticket
- 1 fare$3.75cash
* Some restrictions apply. OPUS card with photo required for discount fares.ÉquiMobilité*
Le programme ÉquiMobilité, mis en place par la Ville de Québec, vise à faciliter l’accès au transport en commun aux personnes qui se qualifient sur la base de leur revenu. Pour bénéficier de ces tarifs, vous devez obtenir une preuve d’admissibilité auprès de la Ville de Québec et vous procurer une carte OPUS avec photo. En vigueur le 1er mai 2023. Pour tous les détails, consultez notre page Web ÉquiMobilité.Économisez avec le laissez-passer mensuel
Déplacements illimités pendant la période de validité. Vendu à partir du 20e jour du mois.
- Mensuel63,00 $
— Valide en tout temps
- 1 passage2,25 $billet
* Certaines conditions s'appliquent. La carte OPUS avec photo est obligatoire pour ces titres de transport.Children 5 and under
Always free
L'abonne BUS Perso : save 25 % !
Starting September 1, 2021, we’re adapting our L’abonne BUS Perso subscription program to your new travel habits. Take advantage of our great offers today and pay a fair price for your less frequent trips.
- 25% discount
Learn more about L'abonne BUS Perso.
Smart card
Passes are only available on smart cards. For paratransit customers, with the exception of day passes and single tickets, all passes are available as prepaid virtual passes. Details at 418 687-2641, option 3.