Nomade real-time updates on every route

Use the new Nomade tools to save time and track your trips so you’ll always be in the right place at the right time!

Mobile App


  • Use your location to see nearby stops and routes
  • Consult all bus schedules in real time
  • Locate buses and track them in real time
  • Plan trips using Google Maps
  • Create alerts to notify you when your bus is arriving
  • Get real-time updates on service disruptions
  • Identify your favorite routes/stops to customize your app
  • Find nearby points of sale
  • App available on Android 4.0 and iOS 8 and up .

On-Board Information Screens


  • See approaching buses and their arrival times in real time
  • Find out about any service disruptions and cancelled stops

Shelter Displays


  • See next departures at stops on all routes in real time
  • Find out about any service disruptions and cancelled stops

Station Displays


  • See a list of approaching buses

Real-time updates on network disruptions

Stay informed in real time of disruptions (unserved stops, detours) thanks to passenger information agents who provide complete coverage of the network.

  • Service available 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays.
  • Information is displayed in real time on the mobile app, the website, Twitter, bus stop displays, and information displays on board the bus.

Frequently Asked Questions