Note that transfers between routes are not guaranteed. When planning your itinerary, allow for a short buffer between routes and consult the various real-time Nomade digital tools.
Route of service Parcours école
Not wheelchair accessible Route with noticesVers Pointe-de-Sainte-Foy
Choose a stop
To view schedules, choose a stop in the list or on the map
In the list
- Collège Jésus-Marie de Sillery9501 - Jésus-MarieThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Du Buisson2351 - Du BuissonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / au 21402352 - Dom. CataraquiThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / G.-Fauteux2353 - G.-FauteuxThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / De Lantagnac2354 - De LantagnacThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / R.-Masson2355 - R.-MassonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / C.-Fitzpatrick2356 - Pères MaristesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / du Parc-Beauvoir2357 - du Parc-BeauvoirThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / C.-Huot2359 - C.-HuotThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / au 25442361 - St-Louis/2361This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Teillet2362 - TeilletThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / du Verger2363 - du VergerThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Mgr-Taché2364 - Mgr-TachéThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / J.-De Quen2365 - J.-De QuenThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Ross2335 - Ross/2335This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / de l'Église2336 - de l'Église/2336This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / du Sieur-D'Argenteuil1861 - S.-D'ArgenteuilThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / de Chambly1862 - de RouvilleThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / W.-Stuart1863 - W.-StuartThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / de Valmont1865 - de Valmont/1865This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / des Hôtels1866 - des HôtelsThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Beaupré2366 - BeaupréThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / E.-Hamel2367 - E.-HamelThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Fabre2368 - FabreThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / de Liège2369 - de LiègeThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / de Dijon2370 - de DijonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Pie-XII2371 - Pie-XIIThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / du Tertre2372 - du TertreThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / des Compagnons2373 - Compagnons/2373This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / face au 36912374 - St-Louis/2374This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / Le Corbusier2375 - Le CorbusierThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / au 37942376 - St-Louis/2376This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / des Verrières2377 - des VerrièresThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / de la Veuve-Pin2378 - de la Veuve-PinThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Louis / face au 40052379 - St-Louis/2379This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop L.-Francoeur / Saint-Louis2380 - St-Louis/2380This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop L.-Francoeur / au 14132381 - Francoeur/2381This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop L.-Francoeur / face au 13002382 - Francoeur/2382This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop L.-Francoeur / Sainte-Foy2383 - Ste-FoyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / Chavigneau2107 - ChavigneauThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / des Q.-Bourgeois2440 - Q.-Bourg./2440This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- des Q.-Bourgeois / des Compagnons2109 - Compagnons/2109This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de Marly / face au 38002384 - T. de MarlyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible