Note that transfers between routes are not guaranteed. When planning your itinerary, allow for a short buffer between routes and consult the various real-time Nomade digital tools.
Choose a stop
To view schedules, choose a stop in the list or on the map
In the list
- de l'Université / des S.-Humaines1561 - Univ. Laval/1561This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Entente / Marois1574 - MaroisThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Séminaire / des Bibliothèques1501 - BibliothèquesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / de Belmont1412 - MyrandThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop du Séminaire / de la Terrasse1502 - de la TerrasseThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / du Séminaire1413 - Univ. Laval/1413This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Séminaire / Sainte-Foy1504 - Ste-Foy/1504This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- des Q.-Bourgeois / Sainte-Foy1550 - N.-TremblayThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / des Q.-Bourgeois - Quai A7005 - Q-Bourgeois/7005This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / du Peps7007 - du PepsThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine1556 - Médecine/1556This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine1557 - Médecine/1557This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine1558 - Médecine/1558This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Laurier / R.-Bourassa1787 - Place Ste-FoyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Laurier / B.-Morin1776 - Place de la CitéThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Laurier - Laurier Québec1790 - Laurier QuébecThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Laurier / de G.-des-Prés1791 - G.-des-Prés/1791This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Église / J.-Dallaire2000 - J.-DallaireThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Église / W.-Légaré2001 - W.-LégaréThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Église / L'Isle-Dieu2003 - L'Isle-DieuThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- des Q.-Bourgeois / Mgr-Grandin2006 - Gare de Ste-FoyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- des Q.-Bourgeois / W.-Pelletier1434 - W.-PelletierThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Duchesneau / des Q.-Bourgeois4886 - Q-Bourgeois/4886This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Duchesneau / de Tripoli4887 - de TripoliThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Duchesneau / Sainte-Foy4898 - Ste-Foy/4898This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / des Mélèzes6304 - des MélèzesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Duplessis / J.-Verne4902 - J.-Verne/4902This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Duplessis / au 12253718 - Cinéplex OdéonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Aéroport / au 13333719 - de l'AéroportThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / Saint-Clément3736 - de ChampignyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / de la Colline3737 - de la CollineThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / Notre-Dame3741 - Notre-DameThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / W.-Hamel3743 - W.-Hamel/3743This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / J.-Verne4918 - J.-Verne/4918This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / face au 70254919 - W.-Hamel/4919This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / au 70764920 - W.-Hamel/4920This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / A.-Tabeau5989 - A.-TabeauThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / du Hameau4922 - du HameauThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Elzéar / de la Famille4923 - la Famille/4923This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Famille / P.-Robitaille5330 - P.-RobitailleThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- P.-Robitaille / de Gaudarville5355 - de GaudarvilleThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop de Gaudarville / Auclair5357 - Auclair/5357This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Auclair / A.-Leclerc5358 - A.-LeclercThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Auclair / des Rafales5359 - des RafalesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Auclair / du Nordet5360 - du Nordet/5360This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Auclair / de la Giboulée5488 - de la GibouléeThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Auclair / du Zéphyr5489 - du ZéphyrThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Zéphyr / Le May5529 - Le MayThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Zéphyr / de la Famille5530 - la Famille/5530This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Famille / Gilbert5361 - GilbertThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Famille / J.-Laurin5362 - J.-LaurinThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Famille / De Vinci5363 - De Vinci/5363This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- De Vinci / au 14425000 - De Vinci/5000This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- De Vinci / Auclair5001 - Auclair/5001This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Auclair / F.-Moisan5364 - F.-MoisanThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Auclair / J.-Gauvin5365 - J.-GauvinThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- J.-Gauvin / J.-Verne4938 - J.-Verne/4938This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Huot / au 2194939 - Huot/4939This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Huot / Saint-Vincent4940 - St-Vincent/4940This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Huot / Saint-Yves4941 - St-YvesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Yves / Thivierge4942 - ThiviergeThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Thivierge / des Champs-Élysées5374 - Champs-ÉlyséesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Malraux / Pellan5375 - PellanThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Pellan / De Lamennais5376 - De LamennaisThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Pellan / Malraux5377 - MalrauxThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Pellan / W.-Hamel5378 - W.-Hamel/5378This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Curé-Labelle / au 12045379 - C.-Labelle/5379This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Curé-Labelle / Saint-Ange4976 - St-Ange/4976This stop is not wheelchair accessible