Note that transfers between routes are not guaranteed. When planning your itinerary, allow for a short buffer between routes and consult the various real-time Nomade digital tools.
Choose a stop
To view schedules, choose a stop in the list or on the map
In the list
- de l'Université / des S.-Humaines1561 - Univ. Laval/1561This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Entente / Marois1574 - MaroisThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Séminaire / des Bibliothèques1501 - BibliothèquesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / de Belmont1412 - MyrandThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop du Séminaire / de la Terrasse1502 - de la TerrasseThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / du Séminaire1413 - Univ. Laval/1413This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Séminaire / Sainte-Foy1504 - Ste-Foy/1504This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- des Q.-Bourgeois / Sainte-Foy1550 - N.-TremblayThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / des Q.-Bourgeois - Quai A7005 - Q-Bourgeois/7005This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / du Peps7007 - du PepsThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Foresterie / de la Médecine7009 - de la ForesterieThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Central3348 - CentralThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Lachance4458 - LachanceThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Ampère4459 - AmpèreThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / face au 27054460 - W.-Hamel/4460This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Newton4461 - NewtonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / au 32104462 - W.-Hamel/4462This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Foucault4463 - FoucaultThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Masson5658 - Masson/5658This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / A.-Hébert4905 - A.-HébertThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Fillon4906 - FillonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / au 45505102 - W.-Hamel/5102This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / du Parc-Technologique4907 - du Parc-Techn.This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- W.-Hamel / Saint-Jean-Baptiste4908 - St-J.-Bapt/4908This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste / de la Bordée4468 - de la BordéeThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Jean-Baptiste / De Subercase4469 - De SubercaseThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Michelet / Brassard4479 - BrassardThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / Saint-Olivier4480 - St-OlivierThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / A.-le-Trotteur4481 - A.-le-TrotteurThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / Saint-Gérard4482 - St-GérardThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / É.-Rochette4483 - E.-RochetteThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / du Moulin4484 - du MoulinThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / des Braves4485 - des BravesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / des Pionniers5039 - Pionniers/5039This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / Notre-Dame4486 - Notre-Dame/4486This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / au 14154487 - Notre-Dame/4487This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / des Pionniers4488 - Pionniers/4488This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Saint-Luc4489 - St-LucThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Père-Chaumonot4490 - Père-ChaumonotThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Saint-Jacques4491 - St-Jacques/4491This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Notre-Dame / Saint-Pierre4381 - Notre-Dame/4381This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Marianne4382 - ChambordThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Saint-Georges4383 - St-GeorgesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / des Loisirs Est4492 - des LoisirsThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / des Patriotes4493 - des PatriotesThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Paquet4494 - PaquetThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Saint-Gédéon4495 - St-GédéonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Frenette4496 - FrenetteThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Dufresne2952 - Chauveau/2952This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau Ouest / de l'Étincelle4511 - de l'ÉtincelleThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau Ouest / B.-Sulte4392 - B.-Sulte/4392This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau / Baudelaire4393 - BaudelaireThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Aéroport / Chappe4512 - ChappeThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de l'Aéroport / A.-Gide4396 - A.-GideThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / de l'Aéroport4574 - l'Aéroport/4574This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Bernanos4575 - BernanosThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / B.-Sulte4576 - B.-Sulte/4576This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / au 22704577 - Notre-Dame/4577This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Falardeau4578 - FalardeauThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / É.-Lessard4579 - E.-LessardThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Notre-Dame / Chauveau Ouest4580 - Chauveau/4580This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau Ouest / au 52512620 - Chauveau/2620This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau Ouest / Borduas2622 - BorduasThis stop is not wheelchair accessible