Note that transfers between routes are not guaranteed. When planning your itinerary, allow for a short buffer between routes and consult the various real-time Nomade digital tools.
Choose a stop
To view schedules, choose a stop in the list or on the map
In the list
- de la Médecine / des Q.-Bourgeois7002 - Q-Bourgeois/7002This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / N.-Tremblay2709 - N.-TremblayThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / du Séminaire1472 - Université LavalThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / du Bon-Air1475 - Cégep GarneauThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / Marois1477 - MaroisThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Sainte-Foy / M.-Bourgeoys1480 - M.-BourgeoysThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Sainte-Foy / E.-Gagnon1482 - H.-Jeffery-HaleThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Sainte-Foy / Joffre1484 - JoffreThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- C.-Lavallée / R.-Lévesque Ouest1736 - BelvédèreThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Belvédère / R.-Lévesque Ouest1027 - R.-LévesqueThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Belvédère / Sainte-Foy1084 - Ste-FoyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Pente-Douce / Chouinard6643 - ChouinardThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- M.-de-l'Incarnation / Kirouac3193 - KirouacThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- M.-de-l'Incarnation / R.-Jobin1089 - R.-JobinThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- M.-de-l'Incarnation / Saint-Bernard1091 - St-BernardThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- M.-de-l'Incarnation / D'Ailleboust1737 - D'AilleboustThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- M.-de-l'Incarnation / W.-Hamel1739 - W.-Hamel/1739This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Plante / W.-Hamel1740 - W.-Hamel/1740This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Plante / Beaucage4758 - BeaucageThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Plante / Blouin4759 - BlouinThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Plante / Samson4762 - SamsonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Samson / Glazier4763 - GlazierThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Samson / Baker4765 - BakerThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- P.-Bertrand / des Entrepreneurs4767 - EntrepreneursThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- P.-Bertrand / Fortin4769 - FortinThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- P.-Bertrand / du Marais4771 - du MaraisThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Bouvier / P.-Bertrand1568 - P.-Bertrand/1568This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Bouvier / des Basses-Terres5544 - Basses-TerresThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Bouvier / au 10802527 - Bouvier/2527This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Bouvier / au 11002528 - Bouvier/2528This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- des Galeries / face au 46015545 - Galeries/5545This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Terminus G. de la Capitale - Quai B52633 - T. Gal. CapitaleThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- des Galeries / du Blizzard5554 - du Blizzard/5554This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Le Mesnil / Lebourgneuf2348 - LebourgneufThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Le Mesnil / de Coligny5186 - de ColignyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Le Mesnil / Monfet4775 - MonfetThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Le Mesnil / La Morille5369 - La Morille/5369This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- La Morille / Latreille5465 - Latreille/5465This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Bastien / de la Bonne-Entente1266 - Bonne-EntenteThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau / Bastien4257 - Bastien/4257This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau / des Aïeux5799 - des AïeuxThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Chauveau / Saint-Charles4261 - St-Charles/4261This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Charles / au 94704263 - St-Charles/4263This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Charles / du Moulin-des-Mères4265 - Moulin-des-MèresThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- du Moulin-des-Mères / Savard4270 - SavardThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Savard / du Curé-Lacroix4272 - du Curé-LacroixThis stop is not wheelchair accessible