Note that transfers between routes are not guaranteed. When planning your itinerary, allow for a short buffer between routes and consult the various real-time Nomade digital tools.
Choose a stop
To view schedules, choose a stop in the list or on the map
In the list
- de la Médecine6457 - Médecine/6457This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / de l'Université7010 - Médecine/7010This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / de l'Agriculture7011 - Médecine/7011This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / de la Foresterie7012 - de la ForesterieThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / du Peps7001 - du PepsThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Médecine / des Q.-Bourgeois7002 - Q-Bourgeois/7002This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- N.-Tremblay / Chapdelaine2244 - St. LawrenceThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- N.-Tremblay / J.-Durand2246 - J.-DurandThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- N.-Tremblay / Galvani2247 - GalvaniThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- F.-Carrel / au 21452249 - F.-Carrel/2249This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- F.-Carrel / G.-Bell2250 - G.-BellThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- F.-Carrel / Branly2251 - BranlyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- F.-Carrel / au 19752252 - F.-Carrel/2252This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- F.-Carrel / au 14512980 - F.-Carrel/2980This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- F.-Carrel / Charest Ouest2253 - F.-Carrel/2253This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / Saint-Sacrement2254 - St-SacrementThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / Taillon2655 - TaillonThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / face au 11302255 - Charest/2255This stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / V.-Massey2256 - V.-MasseyThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Unserved stop Charest Ouest / Anna2257 - AnnaThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / M.-de-l'Incarnation2258 - M.-IncarnationThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / Saint-Sauveur2259 - St-SauveurThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / Saint-Germain2261 - St-GermainThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / Victoria2262 - VictoriaThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Ouest / Signaï2263 - De MazenodThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Est / Saint-Anselme1099 - LangelierThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Est / Caron1100 - CaronThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Est / Dorchester1101 - DorchesterThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Est / de la Couronne1102 - de la CouronneThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Est / du Pont1104 - du PontThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Charest Est / Saint-Dominique1105 - St-DominiqueThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- Saint-Paul / Vallière1106 - J.-LesageThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- A.-Martin / Saint-Paul1062 - St-PaulThis stop is not wheelchair accessible
- de la Gare du Palais / A.-Martin5601 - T. Gare PalaisThis stop is not wheelchair accessible